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Good to Great – Jim Collins

Convention says when you want to make a GREAT company, you develop the concept to perfection and then hire the best people you can find. Collins good-to-great firms began their corporate transformations, they worked seemingly in reverse: “they first get the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus) and then figured out where to drive it.“

Who Says Elephant Can’t Dance – Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.

Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? is an account of IBM’s historic turnaround told in first person by Gerstner, the chairman and CEO of IBM from April 1993 until March 2002. The first-hand story of an extraordinary turnaround, a unique case study in managing a crisis, and a thoughtful reflection on the computer industry and the principles of leadership, Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? sums up Lou Gerstner’s historic business achievement.“

The Game Changer – A.G.Lafley & Ram Charan

Successful organizations introduce or invent products that customers come to love; that requires anticipating their needs, not just giving them what they ask for. This is a game-changing book that helps you redefine your leadership and improve your management game. How you can increase and sustain organic revenue and profit growth, whether you’re running an entire company or in your first management job.“

Social Intelligence – Daniel Goleman

In Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman explores an emerging new science with startling implications for our interpersonal world. What makes a good leader stand out is his social skills. Leaders need to realise that they themselves set much of the emotional tone that flows through the halls of the organization.“

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George Johnson
George JohnsonCommercial Director
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Elizabeth Berkley
Elizabeth BerkleyOperations Director
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Simon Taylor
Simon TaylorCreative Director
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